For the first time, the university will host a professional exam for students Entry into the profession

Examination Center of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, created in March 2020 at the Center for Qualifications Assessment in the Nanoindustry LLC Komsomolskaya Pravda Plastics Processing Plant (St. Petersburg), will become the first examination platform in the region for conducting an independent assessment of qualifications in the nanoindustry.

On the basis of the center, for the first time in the Belgorod region, a professional exam for students "Entry into the profession" will be held, during which a student will confirm his professional qualifications for compliance with the provisions of the professional standard as part of current control or intermediate certification.

The center is certified by the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Nanoindustry to conduct professional examinations in 8 professional standards and 17 qualifications.

The presence at the university of highly qualified human resources and a material and technical base that meets the requirements for conducting assessment activities made it possible to carry out the necessary preparatory work in a short time to create an Examination Center at the university. Employees of the university and specialists from leading enterprises of the Belgorod region, as well as other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, were involved as experts in assessing qualifications and technical experts to work in the expert commission.

Today, confirm your qualifications at the Examination Center of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov can be any specialist, university graduate and even a student in the learning process.

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