Safety first

The rapid development of new production technologies in construction, mining and manufacturing industries, as well as in agriculture requires constant improvement of technologies for managing labor safety issues and technological processes.

Scientists of the Department of Life Safety of the Chemical-Technological Institute are developing innovative solutions related to improving labor safety through the introduction of automated information systems into production to assess occupational risks at workplaces of industrial enterprises.

The main function of the developed information system is the ability to predict the level of professional risk (in terms of industrial injuries) for certain professions, industries and enterprises based on the analysis of events using methods of fuzzy logic and logical-probabilistic modeling.

The research is carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Government of the Belgorod Region.

Based on the results of the work and the analysis of real incidents at industrial enterprises in the region, databases of industrial injury indicators were created and patented, which make it possible to identify the factors of the production process and groups of workers with a high level of occupational risk. This makes it possible for timely decision-making on prevention and prevention of incidents in the workplace.

The research results were reported at international forums at the St. Petersburg State Mining University and the Far Eastern Federal University.

This development of scientists from the flagship university is of great interest for a number of mining and other industrial enterprises in the region.

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