Students from Kuwait started their exams

Students from Kuwait started their exams


On May 25 the students from the state of Kuwait, studying at BSTU started their classes. The students are taking their course within the framework of pilot project with English as a language of tuition. Graduation diploma will be issued by Belgorod state technological university named after V.G. Shoukhov. Let us remind that last year 50 young people who came from Kuwait became students of our university. It is necessary to point out that students already have high social status in their home country: they are managers of leading companies, chief executives at enterprises and organizations. The greater number of them will get second higher education in Belgorod in addition to the degree they already have. The specialization fields, chosen by the representatives of Kuwait are connected with economics, construction, electrical engineering, mechanical equipment and environmental protection. The language of tuition is English and Russian is taught at the same time. This combination allows to train specialists in quite shorter terms which is extremely important for the country with rapid development. The choice fell on our university as it is ranked the first among Russian higher technical institutions. The tuition process will involve active use of information and communication technologies (full scale internet access, multimedia, electronic textbooks). This unique tuition program was developed by the faculty of distant learning technologies with the participation of leading university professors.

The first vice-rector on research activity, doctor of technical sciences, professor Valery Stanislavovich Lesovik gave the students the information about the changes, which took place at the university for the past half a year, new developments both in the area of research and education technologies .

Valery Stanislavovich persuaded foreign students to be more hardworking in their studies and doing assignments. «Our university has a very high status. We cannot afford issuing graduation documents to specialist with insufficient training – this will bring damage to the university image», - stated the vice-rector.

The students thanked the academic staff, taking part in the tuition process. According to S.A. Mikhailichenko, the Dean of the faculty of Distant learning technologies, candidate of technical sciences: «The quality of your education will depend of our joint efforts».





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