The work of student teams is in full swing!

Summer is in full swing and student teams are in full swing!

After the removal of a number of restrictions, our fighters are working throughout Russia, showing themselves in various fields of activity. In the Belgorod region, militants have already helped BelDorStroy to complete the Belgorod-Prokhorovka highway and are now getting a job at ZhBK-1. Also, students of our university take part in the construction of the Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg and a strategic logistics complex in Kaliningrad.

It should be noted that more than 100 fighters of the international student squad are involved only in educational institutions. Everyone who wants to improve their financial situation gets this opportunity and can choose a job in the direction of study or in accordance with their "soul".

Work is in full swing at the "Pearl of Russia" children's camp in the city of Anapa. Our students work there as consultants and rescuers, as well as service personnel.

In addition, our students work as conductors on trains on the route St. Petersburg - Sevastopol. Student crews perform all duties: from boarding passengers to dropping off the car at the end of the flight.

In addition to construction workers, specialized and environmental teams work in the city. The specialized ones are engaged in the packaging of poultry meat, and the ecological ones are engaged in the improvement of the city.

For the first time, militants from the Belgorod region went to work in the direction of Putin on the island of Sakhalin. There the guys will be busy packing fish in production.

The labor semester continues. There is a good income for everyone. There are vacancies. We invite everyone, including foreign students.

Additional information can be obtained by calling 8 909 205 27 91, (4722) 30-99-64 (during office hours)

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