he cadets of the military training center were sworn at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

On July 19, 2020, on the main square of the regional flagship university, the cadets of the military training center named after Hero of the Soviet Union, General of the Army Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin took the oath of allegiance. Among the honored guests of the ceremony were present: Dudko Oleg Anatolyevich, military commissar of Belgorod; Likhachev Vladimir Alexandrovich, military commissar of the Belgorod district of the Belgorod region.

The personnel of the military training center was built by platoon on the university square. They have to take an important, fateful step - to utter the words of a solemn oath of allegiance to their state.

Oleg Dudko, military commissar of the city of Belgorod, and Vladimir Likhachev, military commissar of the Belgorodsky district of the Belgorod region, addressed the cadets and all those present with words of welcome. They noted that from the day of the oath, all cadets become real defenders of the Fatherland and, if necessary, will be obliged to defend our country.

“I am sure that the skills and abilities acquired during training at the military center will be useful to you in peaceful life as well,” said Vladimir Aleksandrovich Likhachev, military commissar of the Belgorod region of the Belgorod region.

01Each cadet, alternately leaving the standing position, read aloud the text of the Military Oath, swearing an oath “to sacredly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation, strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and chiefs. I swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend freedom, independence and the constitutional order of Russia, the people and the Fatherland. "

The first vice-rector of BSTU named after . V.G. Shukhov Evgeny Ivanovich Evtushenko:

“Taking the oath is a significant event for our university, as well as for every man. It doesn't matter who you become: engineers, designers or businessmen, you will remember this day forever. "

We congratulate all the cadets of the military training center named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, General of the Army Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin and wish them great success in their studies and service for the good of our Fatherland!

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