The meeting of the Academic Council was held at BSTU named V.G. Shukhov

On  the  25th of June, the meeting of the academic council of the university took place. At the beginning of the meeting, Vice-Rector for Security Vladimir Borisovsky celebrated the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, provided statistical data and reviewed the work of students participating in the regional poster contest “I am against drugs”. After, the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Sergey Glagolev called on everyone to fulfill their civic duty and vote for amendments to the constitution of the Russian Federation.

The main issues at the meeting were voting on the election of members of the academic council, the selection committee in 2020, monitoring the employment of graduates, campaigning for applicants and the work of the center for pre-university training .

The first speaker was the director of the scientific and methodological center for professional adaptation and employment of specialists at BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhova-Yuri Buryak: “The Dynamics of Changes in the Employment Indicator in the RAEX Rating for 2016 - 2020 is the best result for the entire period of participation of our university in the ranking. For the first time, we entered the TOP-50 of more than 100 universities on the demand for graduates. ” I would like to note that the university actively helps with the employment of foreign students in the summer.

Then followed the report of the Director of the Center for Contemporary Art Valery Korneev, in which he spoke in detail about the main areas of the center’s work, preparatory courses, olympiads and prospects for the development of the School Educational and Engineering Center.

“The most important thing is health and it must be protected!” - noted Sergey Glagolev at the end of the meeting of the Scientific Council.

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