Scientific and technical consortium develops technologies to reduce atmospheric pollutants

For nearly a year, the flagship university has been working on the development and implementation of a technology for reducing emissions at pig farms in the Belgorod Region agro-industrial complex, pollutants into the atmosphere with the treatment and disposal of manure and technological effluents using bioremediation methods.

For these purposes, a scientific and technical consortium has been created consisting of: BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, LLC Engineering Center Avelit (Director General A.A. Avakov), LLC Polyek (Director S.E. Pechersky). The work is coordinated by the Department of Agriculture of the Belgorod Region. The pilot project has already been tested in the conditions of the Dankovsky branch of Cherkizovsky Meat Processing Plant OJSC with obtaining positive results.

At present, negotiations are underway on conducting operational tests of the proposed preparations and methods for their use at the Oskol Bacon 3 pig-breeding complex, PromAgro LLC.

The proposed project provides not only the practical introduction of a bacterial concentrate with the achievement of high effects: interferonostimulation and immunomodulation in animals; destruction of odors; high dynamics of bacterial growth without degradation and accumulation of toxins with the development of dosage regimes, fractional delivery with appropriate exposure exposures, the possible introduction of catalysts, but also the solution, in the laboratory, of the tasks of improving the functional qualities of a biological product with refinement, based on already tested highly effective inoculants - new polyvalent ones and combination drugs.

The optimality and effectiveness of bioremediation technology using biologics (proprietary metabolics) is planned to be achieved in 2020-2021. and subsequently replicated at the objects of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation according to the developed methods - normative technological and operational documentation.

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