Employment of foreign students at BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov

Over the years, international activity has been actively developing at the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov. One of its primary tasks is to enrich the education system with the values ​​of world culture and the experience of foreign universities, as well as in the university’s active work in the international educational space.


The Center for International Education and Cooperation of the flagship university works closely with young people from different countries, offering them to become students of one of the country's most prestigious engineering universities. The university also provides subsequent employment of studying foreign students wishing to work in the summer.


Already in the first month of summer, work is actively ongoing in several areas: improvement of the territory and volunteering in the field of law enforcement. The responsibilities of students include cleaning, painting and ennoblement of the university. In addition, they are on duty in dormitories and monitor compliance with the rule of law, measure the temperature of students living and much more. At the moment, more than 35 people are working.


Center for International Education and Cooperation of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov will help you get a job in the summer and have a great time if you:

1. A foreign student  of BSTU V.G. Shukhov;

2. Do not leave the territory of Russia;

3. Do not know what to do this summer;

4. You have a lot of free time that you want to spend profitably.

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