New formats of distance study at the flagship university of the region

Since BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov starsts distance learning professors are actively restructuring under the new formats of the educational process. However, now not only lectures, practical and laboratory classes are held online, but even pre-defended dissertations.


Prof. Valery Lesovik, Head of the Department of Building Materials, Products and Structures, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, has already conducted a number of online classes. So, as part of the implementation of distance education, an online lecture was held on the subject "Building Materials", which was devoted to hydraulic binders. The theoretical material was presented at a high level, which caused great interest among all students of the course.


Also, Valery Stanislavovich conducted the first online pre-defense of a candidate dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Postgraduate student of the Far Eastern Federal University Andrei Baranov presented the results of his dissertation research on the topic “Non-autoclaved cellular concrete with improved sound-absorbing characteristics”, conducted in the direction of preparation 05.23.05 - “Building materials and products”.

The online broadcast lasted more than an hour and included not only a worthy presentation by Andrey Vyacheslavovich and a presentation of the results of the work done, but also answers to all questions that arose during the defense of the dissertation research.


"In BSTU them. V.G. Shukhov is not the first time that online events have been held. For example, the Far Eastern Federal University has already become a listener of online lectures by Valery Lesovik, which he always conducts at the highest level. Such remote forms are very popular in the world today, and their active use indicates the great foresight of the university, ”said Roman Fedyuk, scientific adviser, candidate of technical sciences.

The educational process does not stand still in connection with the transition to a distance learning format, but only continues to move in the already chosen direction. In the age of information technology, progress is inexorably moving forward, and this is precisely the direction that BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov.

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