The flagship university of the region has successfully switched to the distance learning mode

At the Belgorod State Technological University named after  V.G. Shukhov successfully launched a campaign to switch to distance learning. In the educational process, various forms are used that contribute to the most complete immersion of students in the educational environment.


The flagship university of the Belgorod region was ready for the fact that due to the pandemic of the coronovirus infection, the transfer of education to the remote mode will occur. That is why colossal preparations for the transition were carried out at all departments of the institutes.

Today, using the example of the Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management, we’ll tell you how to study online and where students can find a schedule of their classes.

“Basically, the educational process takes place on the Zoom information platform, which allows you to conduct classes in much the same way as in regular full-time training. In addition, many teachers give lectures on YouTube platforms, traditional messengers and in other programs that provide access to a demonstration of the working screen, ”said Andrei Naumov, head of the department of expertise and real estate management.

There are no problems with the search for video broadcasts at the university, since it is very easy to find a link to the desired video course. You need to go to the schedule of your group, there is a link under each teacher to go directly to the page with the necessary teaching materials.

“All that students need to do is look at the schedule and follow the links,” noted Andrey Evgenievich.

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