Presentation of the Department of Management and Foreign Economic Activity

On the 14th of January, the presentation of the Department of Management and Foreign Economic Activities, led by Associate Professor Alexander Troshin, took place.

The department provides training for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, accommodates more than 50% of foreign students studying in various areas of training. The Department of Management and Foreign Economic Affairs is currently training three graduate students, including a representative of the People's Republic of China.

An online course on the discipline "Management" is successfully operating in the educational unit, and by 2021 it is planned to launch two more online courses. The author’s course “Ethics Factor in Management” is being implemented, which is used in preparing a network of managers.

“As the projects planned for implementation within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, we note the first - the reform of the housing and communal services of the Belgorod Region. The second - master's studies in a foreign language. It is planned to develop a curriculum in a foreign language and educational and methodological support for the implementation of undergraduate programs, ”said the head of the department.

The effectiveness of the research work of the department of management and foreign economic activity is reflected through the participation of the faculty of the department in the implementation of projects of strategic development programs.

At the end of the presentation, the rector of the university, Sergey Glagolev, noted the need to improve the activities of the department, strengthen work to increase publication activities, as well as intensify work with students and find new ways to attract young people to organize and participate in university events.


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