New Year greetings from the rector of the university Sergey Glagolev

Dear faculty, staff and students of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov!    

On behalf of the administration, I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

In the last days of the outgoing year, we are talking about achievements and summing up the multifaceted activities of the university. This year we have laid a very powerful foundation for future achievements: more than 3,000 specialists in the engineering industry have been trained, we have participated in more than 360 Russian and international conferences, support more than 800 intellectual property objects and have held more than 500 creative contests and festivals at a high level.

The University owes its achievements and awards to all of you: teachers, staff and students. Our joint work, focus on accomplishing tasks and achieving results, the highest level of teaching, scientific achievements of employees and students help maintain the high status of the reference university that we have achieved.

On the eve of the upcoming New Year, I sincerely thank the team for their labor and scientific success, loyalty to their native university, understanding, support, and the desire to make the life of the university brighter and more interesting! I am sure that by the end of 2020 we will complete all the tasks before us and will be proud of the results.

Let the new year be filled with the preservation of old traditions and augmentation of new ones, and the staff of the support university will work fruitfully for the benefit of future generations! Our coordinated work on the implementation of the plans will make a worthy contribution to the modernization of the scientific and educational sphere, based on a high level of knowledge.

I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, love and peace of mind in the new year. Optimism and fortitude, new perspectives and creative discoveries, as well as worthy rewards! May the new year 2020 bring warmth and well-being to your families, be calm and filled with joy!

Happy New Year!

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