Representatives of the flagship university take a part at the annual national exhibition

A group of scientists and specialists of BSTU them. V.G. Shukhov, they are:  rector Sergei Glagolev, first vice-rector Yevgeny Yevtushenko, head of the research department Andrei Naumov and employees of the departments of technical cybernetics, mechanical equipment and examination and real estate management, presented an exposition of advanced research work carried out at the flagship university at the annual national exhibition VUZPROMEXPO.


A large-scale and representative platform was implemented to demonstrate the achievements of Russian science and build effective communications between the scientific and educational community, the state and business. The exhibition has traditionally become a launching pad for hundreds of unique scientific developments successfully implemented in production.

The Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kotyukov opened a national exhibition dedicated to the first year of the national projects “Science” and “Education”. He stressed that in the center of national projects there is always a person for whom the most comfortable conditions and the most advanced scientific infrastructure are created.


At VUZPROMEXPO-2019, high-tech projects of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov:

- a robotic complex for the implementation of full-scale additive technologies of innovative materials, composites, structures and structures;

- high-density functional materials based on composite binders using complex polydispersed fiber-containing modifiers;

- PLM system for designing industrial equipment in digital twin technologies based on a distributed team center BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov;

- Interactive interaction with a digital twin of technological equipment and at construction sites in VR (virtual reality) technologies;

- An automated flaw detection system for buildings and structures using neural network technologies;

- energy management system of the Belgorod region;

- technology for the production of protein flour from the larvae of the fly Black lion;

- neural networks in the development of the university campus;

- high-strength and functional composites as part of an adaptive fault tolerant navigation system of automatic guided vehicles, as well as a software package for the information-analytical system of centralized property management.

VUZPROMEXPO-2019 gathered at one site leading scientific organizations of Russia and leading companies in the domestic economy, which contributed to the formation of new scientific and industrial collaborations with the participation of, among other things, our university.

The protein flour production project is being implemented by the reference university within the framework of the world-class scientific and educational center “Innovative Solutions in the Agro-Industrial Complex”, opened in the region.

The PLM system for industrial equipment design in digital twin technologies introduced at the university has attracted interest from several universities of the country and manufacturing companies who want to automate and digitalize the product life cycle management process. In this direction, scientists
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, together with partners from SiemensPLM, gained considerable experience and made several effective copyright developments.

The project of an automated flaw detection system for buildings and structures using neural network technologies has already proved its effectiveness in practice when examining the roofs of a dozen Belgorod municipal civil real estate objects. This was highly appreciated by representatives of the Russian regions who showed interest and volunteered to continue cooperation on its development outside our region.

Development of  BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov in the practice of interactive interaction with a digital twin of technological equipment and at construction sites in virtual reality technologies has become the main educational complex for training linear personnel of assembly plants and students of secondary professional educational institutions. In addition, the developments have proven themselves as an effective means of exhibition demonstration of innovative equipment and building technologies, which attracted more than a dozen potentially interested industrial and educational partners from all over the country for further cooperation.

The high-tech exposition of VUZPROMEXPO-2019 included a series of events of the business and youth program, which was attended by leading scientists, experts, representatives of relevant ministries and departments, as well as representatives of the reference university.


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