University staff got foreign experience in the construction industry

The Laboratory for Innovative Knowledge Sharing LIKE , which is based on the Department of of  the flagship university, continues to attract foreign experts in order to familiarize themselves with the international practice of selling building products. Professor Jürgen Eknik conducted the second part of the author’s lecture course “Effective Management of Production and Sale of Construction Products” for students and teachers of BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov.

The professor has been collaborating with the university for a long time. This time, the opportunity to learn the secrets of the European experience in the efficient production and management of construction products has become available not only to Russian-speaking students and employees of a technological university. As part of the continuation of the author’s course, Professor Eknik first presented a lecture for foreign students in English. The knowledge gained was extremely useful for students in the "Industrial and Civil Engineering" profile.

The past intensive was devoted to the study of technical issues of the production and use of white cement, technologies for grinding and mixing building products, as well as the effectiveness of the cement testing system. The features and advantages of choosing cement for the customer’s technological processes were considered, the marketing strategy of sales in the construction industry was analyzed.

The course participants were offered to analyze real situations that arise on the building materials market in modern competitive conditions. On the example of the work of foreign companies in the production and sale of building mixtures, it was necessary to find the most effective marketing solutions by proposing the most profitable transaction, both for the customer and the manufacturer.


“A true engineer must express the result in terms of profit. The price of the recipe is the most important indicator for a construction company, ”the professor assures.

At the end of the course, everyone was presented with an additional lecture on current issues and features of the use of building mixtures - “Venice Biennale - a city of art and architecture”. Students and professors of a technological university, using the example of Venetian architecture, learned about the methodology for improving the technology of applying stucco mixtures.

“To build a successful career it is necessary to work at the junction of specialties and always focus on savings,” the expert advises. “The market needs professionals with a multidisciplinary approach.”


The full course of Professor Eknik will last 72 academic hours and will consist of five full-time intensives in Russian, conducted on the territory of the university campus during 2019-2020. At the end of the course, all participants who successfully pass a series of tests will receive a certificate of professional development from the Swiss company PSA Zurich Area GmbH.
Reference: Jürgen Eknik is a specialist with unique experience in marketing and technological interaction with contractors and customers in world-class construction. He heads the Swiss consulting company PSA Zurich Area GmbH, which is engaged in training and retraining of personnel in the construction industry, technological engineering of enterprises in the construction industry.

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