BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov signed a cooperation agreement with Linyi University (PRC)

On the 19th of November a delegation of the PRC visited the flagship  university. The purpose of the meeting was the signing of a cooperation agreement between the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and Linyi University.

The delegation from the People's Republic of China was represented by Sun Changsheng, First Vice-Rector, Zhao Yong, Director of the Social Services Department, Zhu Wengyu, Director of the Institute of Arts, Sun Chengtong, Director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering.

First, the guests met with the first vice-rector of the reference university, Yevgeny Yevtushenko. The parties discussed fruitful relations between Russia and China, as well as areas of cooperation between Russian and Chinese universities.


Then there was a meeting of a foreign delegation with Vice-Rector for International Affairs Ruslan Lesovik. It was a double diploma that could open up good career prospects for graduates. In this project, students were taught training in specialties related to mechanical engineering.

“For starters, Chinese students studying Russian at Linyi University will be involved in the project,” representatives of the PRC noted.

Students from China will be able to study at the BSTU magistracy and at the end receive a double diploma. They will also have the opportunity to train in Russian companies.

After signing the agreement, the guests went on a tour of the university, met with the director of Institute of Technological Equipment and Engineering dr. Sergey Latyshev and visited the departments and laboratories of the educational unit.


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