Participants of the Naukograd NIKA School Discussed Future Plans

Participants of all shifts of the engineering school "Naukograd" NIKA "met on the 1st of Nivember  at the site of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and discussed the further development of further education.


“We want to be on the same wavelength with schoolchildren. Know their needs and meet the needs of the modern generation. Not just understand what the guys want, but get ahead of them, create trends. These meetings are not only a pleasant opportunity to talk with the guys, but also get feedback from them, ”explained Natalya Altynnik, director of the petit Technological University.

Pupils from all over the Belgorod region gathered in the disco-hall of KFOR of the supporting university and discussed the end of the last shift of NaukaGrad “NIKA”, and also took part in interactive venues and quiz. Some sites were aimed at uniting the guys, others - to test erudition, and others - to dexterity and accuracy.

NaukoGrad changed my life and changed my future path. I got positive from communicating with the organizers, from interesting cases. Now my goal is BSTU them. V.G. Shukhov. I want to develop in the technical field and be the organizer of scientific changes at NIKA, ”said Kristina Shulgina, a student at the Shukhov Lyceum, who shared her impressions.

At the end of the meeting, students organized a tea party. A pleasant bonus was the drawing of certificates of a 30% discount on participation in the next vacation engineering site and going to the cinema.

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