BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov took part in the IV All-Russian Congress of Rural School Teachers

The 4th All-Russian Congress of Rural School Teachers was held in the Belgorod Region on the7 and 8, of November  2019, providing for panel discussions, a round table, sections and a plenary session. The congress discussed the role of the school as the main factor in the development of rural areas, the best regional practices, the support of the pedagogical society in the village and the implementation of the national project "Education".


There are 450 participants and 40 experts of the Congress of Rural Teachers sought to identify new frontiers and directions for the development of the school, as well as the place of digital technology in the educational process. An equally important issue that the participants faced was the modern infrastructure development of the rural school.

Rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov took part at the discussion of topical issues of improving the quality of education and the professional level of teachers of rural educational organizations. After all, it is they who lay the basic knowledge with which students come to higher education institutions, including technical ones.

Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District Igor Shchegolev and Governor of the Belgorod Region Yevgeny Savchenko addressed the 4th All-Russian Congress of Rural School Teachers.

“Rural schools are a substantial, and in absolute terms, large part of our educational system. The village school and its teaching staff today are the guarantor of the preservation and development of rural territories. We are well aware of this. And, if you delve into the essence and structure of the national project "Education", in many ways this work is addressed specifically to rural territories. High-speed Internet, equipping with new equipment are very important tasks, but the first priority among them is the support of our teachers, the entire educational process depends on them. I invite all regions of the country to an active discussion, and the All-Russian Congress of Rural School Teachers is a wonderful platform that can provide this interaction, ”said Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education.

In addition, questions were raised about maintaining small schools and attracting teaching staff to the countryside: a strategy for implementing the Zemsky Teacher program was presented.

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