Open Doors Day at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

On 27 of October  Day of Open Doors was held at the  flagship University of the Region. Applicants and their parents got acquainted with the history, structure and achievements of the university, talked with employees and teachers of the university, asked their questions and took part in a sightseeing tour.


The meeting began with the registration of participants, distribution of campaigning and informational materials. The institutes, student, sports and scientific associations of the university prepared colorful booklets and brochures on the activities of the units. The guests were shown a film about the university.


The rector of the university Sergey Glagolev addressed the future students and their parents with a welcoming speech. Sergey Nikolaevich spoke about the main directions of student training, the possibilities and prospects of training, the achievements of the reference university: “Today BSTU after  V.G. Shukhov consists of 43 departments and 111 scientific departments, 626 professors and teachers and 73 researchers, 76 doctors of sciences and 355 candidates of science. Such is the intellectual potential of the Belgorod State Technological University. Today there are 25,000 students from all 85 regions of Russia, and 2,000 students from 75 countries of the world study at the university.

It is gratifying that Open Doors Day is annually popular among our guests who decide to connect fate with education and science. It’s difficult to make a choice, and choosing a profession for the future is even more difficult: it should not only bring financial income, but be interesting and desirable daily.


The famous engineer, whose name our university proudly bears, Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov said: “As in music, the highest degree of creativity is composition, so in engineering activity is the creation of fundamentally new designs.” We, the heirs of his engineering, are looking forward to your scientific ideas within our walls, which we will bring to life together. ”


The executive secretary of the selection committee, Sergei Bulgakov, announced information on the rules for admission, entrance examinations, the procedure and stages of student enrollment in 2020.
Further, future students and their parents went to the university auditorium to participate in a meeting of applicants. The directors of the institutes, department heads and teachers spoke in detail about the specialties that can be obtained at the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.
The guests asked the university staff their questions, received valuable information and advice, got acquainted with the scientific achievements and potential directions of the university's development, learned about the activities of creative teams and sports sections.

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