XV Congress of French Language Teachers

From 7 till 10 of October, 2019 at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov hosted the jubilee XV Congress of French Language Teachers (Assises Universitaires du Français). Since 2004, the event has been held under the auspices of the Embassy of France in Moscow, the French Institute in Russia and the Campus France Agency in collaboration with leading universities of the Russian Federation. This year, the congress was organized by the Higher School of Translation of Moscow State University.


The senior teacher of the department of foreign languages, the head of the rector’s office, Ekaterina Ivanovna Kugan and the head of the department for the development of international relations of the Center for International Education and Cooperation, the teacher of the department of the Russian language and natural sciences Sabina Mailievna Velieva represented BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and Belgorod.

The official opening ceremony took place on October 7th. Mrs. Silvi Bermann, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Academy of Education, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University Yu.P. Zinchenko, academician-secretary of the Russian Academy of Education, director of the Higher School of Translation of Moscow State University  named after N.K. Garbovsky. The guests of honor were also: Director of the Campus France agency, Mrs. Beatrice Hayat and Counselor for Culture and Embassy of the French Embassy, ​​Fabrice Russo. The first day ended with an official reception in honor of the opening of the congress at the French Embassy in Russia.


This scientific and practical conference is one of the main events of the French-speaking linguistic network of partner universities, which includes more than 130 Russian universities, as well as the congress of French teachers is one of the key events in the framework of cooperation in the field of education between Russia and France. All participants interested in teaching French as a foreign language in higher educational institutions were able to exchange experiences, gain new knowledge, and discuss the most pressing issues in the field of teaching.

On the agenda of the anniversary congress of university Francophones of Russia, the topic “Assessment in the Methodology of Teaching French as a Foreign Language: Towards Evolution” has been submitted. The event was attended by more than 250 French language teachers from hundreds of Russian universities, French expert teachers, as well as representatives of the French higher education institution.
The congress of French teachers traditionally includes 3 types of events:
    exchange of information about the life of the network of partner universities, as well as a discussion of the problems of academic mobility and relevant educational, linguistic, academic and cultural events in France and in Russia;
    scientific conference on modern problems of teaching and learning languages;
    master classes from French and Russian experts on the topic of the congress.
 The second and third day of the congress took place in active work in sections, where French experts in practice showed the methodology of teaching French at the initial stage of training. The plenary sessions were very productive, in which the participants were able to discuss their concerns in teaching French as a foreign language, exchange experiences and share developments and research in this area. During the ceremony of concluding the congress, all participants received certificates and a set of educational and practical literature for French language resource centers from the French Embassy in Russia.

The XV Congress of French Language Teachers is designed to strengthen the French vector of international cooperation, expand the space of scientific and educational diplomacy between the two countries, launch new scientific collaborations, student and academic exchange programs not only along the lines of Russia - France, but also in a multilateral format, with the participation of Universities of other countries of the French-speaking world.

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