The VII Reporting and Election Conference of the Union Committee was held at the University of Reference

On 22 of October, 2019, the VII Reporting and Election Conference of the primary trade union organization of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. The conference was attended by 150 delegates and the chairman of the Belgorod regional organization of the trade union of public education and science of the Russian Federation Lidia Tomilka.

In his report, Sergey Latyshev, chairman of the primary trade union organization of workers and students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, highlighted the importance of improving the social status of an education worker and student. He raised the issue of achieving a competitive salary level in the labor market and providing students with scholarships and material assistance.

“Since October 1, 2019, the salary of university employees has been indexed by 4.3%, and the size of the basic scholarship has increased by 50%. On the basis of the university, more than 1,500 teachers underwent advanced training in 19 relevant areas of training, ”said Sergey Latyshev.

With the assistance of the trade union committee, a lot of work has been done at the university to improve living conditions and infrastructure. Over the past period, a military training center has been opened, an ice rink has been built and opened, a health trail has been created, a children's playground has been qualitatively transformed, trees and shrubs have been planted, and the premises of a food factory and a sanatorium have been repaired.

The special importance of health-forming activities, due to which the university receives annual awards, is noted. In 2016, the university became the winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian contest “Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency” in the nomination “For the formation of a healthy lifestyle in organizations of the non-productive sphere”. In 2017, the collective BSTU them. V.G. Shukhov was listed on the Board of Honor on the Avenue of Labor Glory of the Belgorod Region.

Irina Avilova, Vice-Rector for Cultural, Educational and Social Work, made a speech at the conference, and noted that in the face of changing reality, unions must constantly modernize.

“The newly elected trade union committee needs to develop its strategy, intensify informational work within the organization and at the external level, introducing the team to key projects of trade union education. That is, it is necessary to create a multifunctional Internet platform as one of the ways to attract and retain union members, ”said Irina Avilova.

Lidia Tomilka, chairman of the regional organization of the trade union of public education and science of the Russian Federation, who thanked all the conference delegates for their active participation in the all-Russian trade union of public education and science, took an active part in the conference.

“Percentage of coverage of trade union memberships in BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is 97%. And only through the joint work of the administration, the union and the student council we were able to achieve such indicators. ”

In addition, such expected prospects were noted as the transition to a single electronic trade union ticket, providing for social support of union members (discount on the purchase of a wide range of goods and services).

The chairman of the primary trade union organization of workers and students of the university was unanimously elected Georgy Golikov, who made a welcoming speech: “Today, the university has become a leader. Truly a leader in solving the problems that are facing higher education. This is not only the merit of the university, but the merit of everyone who lives in it, works, and will still live and work. ”

“I think that Georgy Georgievich will be able to raise the work of our trade union organization to a new level, and the status of our trade union organization, our university will rise. This will be another opportunity to promote, promote the image of our university at the regional and Russian levels, ”the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Sergey Glagolev congratulated the elected chairman.

By the decision of the open vote of delegates, the work of the university trade union committee for the reporting period was unanimously recognized as satisfactory. The conference ended with the official presentation to Sergey Latyshev of the gratitude of the regional organization of the trade union of public education and science of the Russian Federation for fruitful joint work.

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