Serbian evening at the BSTU named after V.G/ Shukhov was visited by guests from the University of Pristina

The Institute of the Serbian Language and Communications of the Pivotal University once again gathered guests at the Serbian Evening. It was dedicated to the celebrations marking the 65th anniversary of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. Honorary guests were Vice-Rector for International Affairs Tatyana Novakovich and Professor at the Faculty of Technical Sciences Sinis Ilić from the State University of Pristina with a temporary location in Kosovsk-Mitrovica.

The organizers have prepared a special musical and poetic program on the theme “Letters from Kosovo”. The evening was also attended by students of Belgorod educational institutions, students of the Serbian language courses, students who went or were going to go to Serbia on an exchange program, and all who were interested in the Serbian topic.


The host of the evening, the actor of the independent youth theater “New Scene-2” Evgeny Ovcharov, brilliantly played the role of the Serbian postman. Eugene in the national headdress of the Shaikach delivered letters to the participants of the event on a bicycle. Among the correspondence were signed postcards from students of the Russian language department in Kosovsk-Mitrovica, photographs from a Serbian student who visited Belgorod and from Belgorod students who visited Kosovo, art essays about Kosovo, as well as a huge number of poems. Poems were read aloud by Nenad Boykov, Elena Berestovaya, Ksenia Ushakova, Daniil Bronnikov, and a musical postcard from Serbia was kindly reproduced by a student of the Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture Nadzhea Milosevic.

Participants in the evening decided to write letters to their Serbian friends in Kosovo. BelSU student Angelina Chernousova decided to send Serbian friends the famous V. Tsoi song “Cuckoo” in her own performance, and the teacher of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhova, who worked as a lecturer of the Russian language in Kosovsk-Mitrovica last year, Tatyana Matyushkina put in her envelope her poems and the warmest words to the staff and students of the Serbian University of Pristina. Cards with views of Belgorod were also signed.

According to the established good tradition, the staff of the Institute of Serbian Language and Communications of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, together with partners, collected more than 1000 books for Serbian residents as part of the #book_v_dar.

The evening ended with the performance of Serbian folk songs, a master class in national Serbian dance Kolo under the guidance of a student of  BSTU Milyan Milkovich and songs with a guitar

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