14th International Congress on Applied Mineralogy (ICAM-2019): Day Three

Conference on Applied Mineralogy. Six scientists presented the results of their research and development.


Sergey Krivovichev spoke about “Murataite-pyrochlore ceramics as complex matrices for immobilization of radioactive waste: structural and microstructural crystallization mechanisms”. Emin Ciftchi devoted his introduction to the theme of “Authentic Semiprecious and Gemstones of Turkey”.


Professor of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Corresponding Member of RAASN Valery Lesovik presented the report “Geonics (geomimetics) as a theoretical basis for composing a new generation”. The speaker spoke about how joint work to study and study the field of applied mineralogy can solve the problems of the human environment.

A scientist from Germany, Dieter Ramlmeir, acquainted the audience with the results of case studies “Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Tails of a Copper Mine in the North of Central Chile”. Wilhelm Nikonov talked about "The potential of varnish professions and hyperspectral analysis for the exploration of delayed tailings". Tamara Matveeva made a presentation “Applied Mineralogy for the Integrated and Deep Production of Mineral Raw Materials”.




The work of the scientific sections took place in three thematic categories: “Analytical methods, instruments and automation”, “Biomimetic materials based on minerals, biomineralogy”, “Cultural heritage, artifacts and their preservation”.

Participated in the work of the ICAM Council. Representatives of the scientific community discuss the results of collaboration and plans for the near future. Fernando Rocha spoke about the conditions and stage of preparation for the 15th International Congress on Applied Mineralogy, which will be held in Ivero (Portugal) in 2021.

The members of the council voted in the framework of which the vice-president and secretary of the upcoming international meeting were selected, as well as a specific venue for holding congresses in 2023. The 16th International Forum on Applied Mineralogy will be held in China.

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