New training and resource center opened on the basis of the flagship university

This training resource center is a joint project of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and Technonikol Corporation, a leading international manufacturer of building materials and systems.

Oksana Kozlitina, Deputy Head of the Construction and Transport Department of the Belgorod Region,had a welcoming speech: “This is a good base for future highly qualified specialists who will be able to use, implement and improve the innovative materials that we have on the market today.”

First Vice-Rector of BSTU V.G. Shukhova Evgeny Yevtushenko expressed hope for further cooperation of the support university with the Technonikol corporation: “A number of new areas of our cooperation are already being spoken out today, and I really hope that construction organizations, construction industry enterprises, all those specialists who need new ones will join materials, new technologies. ”


“We hope that this will be a push in the development of the construction industry in the Belgorod region,” said the chief engineer of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov- George Golikov.

The training center focuses on low-rise and individual housing construction. Educational programs will focus on the application of practical skills. After listening to a course of lectures, students will be able to participate in construction work, and after passing the exams they will receive certificates. For many specialists this will provide an opportunity for further training, others will be able to undergo professional retraining and retraining.

“We will train to work with different designs: roofing, facades, foundations and touch upon the topic of energy conservation,” said Evgeny Voilov, vice president of Technonikol Corporation.

At the end of the opening ceremony, an excursion was organized for all comers in the training and resource center

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