Professor from Europe lectureв for students and teachers of the flagship university

At the BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov started the author's course of lectures and master classes for students, undergraduates, graduate students and university employees from a German expert in the field of technology and application of concrete and cement, Professor Jürgen Eknik.

Dr. Eknik has worked for 40 years in national and multinational European companies in the building materials industry as technical and managing directors. He took part in the formation of technological and marketing policies for more than 150 industries around the world.


Today Jürgen Eknik is the Executive Director of the Swiss company PSA Zurich. For over 15 years he has been engaged in the educational training of specialists in the construction, technical and economic fields: “For many years I have been reading my author’s course to students around the world. I am sure that a good engineer should understand economic processes, and a qualified specialist working with finances and sales should understand what the essence of production at his enterprise is. I try to bring the profession of engineer and economist closer so that specialists working in modern companies can get the maximum profit from the sale of their products. ”

As part of the first lecture, Jürgen Eknik talked about "Effective production management and sales of construction products." The professor touched upon the issues of modern production standards, optimization of enterprises, the reasonable and balanced use of raw materials. The foreign guest shared his rich scientific and professional experience, introduced the audience to real cases from his own practice.

Jürgen Eknik drew the attention of the audience to the fact that a modern engineer should be aimed at maximum profit, and innovation in any field should be profitable.

“It is important for any customer to receive three categories of profit: cash, security and competitiveness. The latter category plays one of the most important roles, because today each of us wants to be competitive. The secret to success of any company is simple: production of products oriented to market demands, and possession of sales staff with competent knowledge, ”said the professor.


During 2019-2020 Professor Eknik will conduct five intensives for the staff and students of the "technologist." Upon completion of training, participants will receive a course certificate from PSA Zurich

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