Students of the flagship university completed an internship in Poland and Serbia

Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management  of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov  support  International Student Exchange Association for Technical Experience (IAET). For students, such an internship is a unique opportunity to demonstrate their professionalism at any level and to adopt the experience of employees of companies in other countries.

Mikhail Volobuev and Nikolai Simonov completed practical training at a construction company in Poland and Serbia. They talked about the experience gained.

Nikolay Simonov:

“My student exchange department at EUN has already received an offer from the IAESTE organization for an internship in Serbia. She was offered to me, and I agreed.

IAESTE business center in Belgrade. My goal was to obtain useful skills and knowledge in the process. Responsibilities for the internship include a daily walk around the construction site for quality control and proper execution of work, assistance in drawing up acts when performing work performed. I also studied the documentation for this project.

Practical aspects related to work.

In addition to the internship, the most important area of ​​foreign life was knowledge of the culture of Serbia. Serbs are very hospitable people who are friendly to foreigners, especially to Russians. I remembered the Serbian cuisine: very diverse, hearty, inexpensive. Everyone was friendly, energetic. In my opinion, the differences in mentality between different people are gradually blurring. ”

  Mikhail Volobuev:

“I went to Poland, to Krakow, for an internship from the international company IAESTE. I know that they are invited to our university, and it is related to our department - EUN. I mean, I have anything. I agreed without hesitation, because I think that any experience is useful, especially this one.

The internship was held at a large construction company in Krakow, where I held the position of manager of a construction site. All the necessary resources are available. In my free time I visit nearby countries: Austria, Slovakia, Germany.

The time spent in Krakow is useful, as many have understood about the specifics of their profession and, most importantly, about themselves. There are not many differences in our mentality. It is assumed that in full. ”

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