Shukhov’ students took part in the International Summer School of Economics in Serbia

The XIV International Summer School of Economics completed its work at the Faculty of Economics of the State University in Niš (Serbia). BSTU  named after V.G. Shukhov participates in this largest international youth forum traditionally for 11 years. This year, a team of students of the specialties “Economic security”, “Strategic management” and “Examination and management of real estate” adequately presented the university and the Belgorod region.


A trip to Serbia for children was organized by the staff of the Institute of the Serbian Language and Communications of the supporting university.


In addition to Shukhov students, students of the Russian Customs Academy and young people from different European countries participated in the event. The opening ceremony was attended by university and faculty leaders, media representatives, as well as the first secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Serbia, Vyacheslav Alikin.

The theme of the school in 2019 was built around the problem of the formation of new competencies for new professions. As part of the program, leading experts from Serbia, Slovenia, the United Kingdom and other countries held lectures, workshops and master classes in English. The team participants were expected to have many tasks, among which it was necessary to prepare and defend their own innovative project, to present a presentation of the culture and history of their country. By the way, as a “homework”, Belgorod residents prepared a real tasting for their foreign colleagues - brought drying, bagels, gingerbread, marshmallow and other sweets.


Hospitable Serbian organizers delighted guests with interesting excursions to the sights of Niš and the south of Serbia, thematic walks around the city and fun parties.

At the end of the forum, participants of the summer school were awarded certificates confirming the credits acquired during their studies. Director of the Institute of Serbian Language and Communications of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Victoria Ryapukhina, who led the delegation, noted the high level of organization. “In the twin city, Belgorod residents were greeted extremely cordially. The student youth quickly found a common language, exchanged study experience from different countries, the guys significantly expanded their horizons and gained new useful practical knowledge, ”said Viktoria Nikolaevna.


At the closing ceremony BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov received an invitation to participate in 2020 in the anniversary of the XV International Summer School of Economics.

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