Head of the Serbian Language and Communications Institute awarded for contribution to the development of international cooperation

Head of the Serbian Language and Communications  Institute of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov Victoria Ryapuhina was awarded an award at the State University of Pristina (temporary location in Kosovska Mitrovica), awarded annually for her outstanding contribution to the development of international cooperation and academic interaction.

This is the second highest award that Victoria Ryapuhina receives in the Serbian Cosmet. The first - for an outstanding contribution to the development of cooperation and disinterested friendship, was awarded to her by a student association a couple of years ago.
The diploma, award and memorable badge were presented to Victoria Ryapukhina during the meeting and business negotiations at the university's rector's office in Kosovska Mitrovica, where she was invited as a representative of the BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov.

Accepting the award, Victoria Ryapuhina  emphasized the crucial role in achieving high results of teamwork, support from colleagues and the leadership of the supporting university of the Belgorod Region.

During the meeting, the results, plans and new promising areas of interaction were discussed, in particular the details of the practice of sending “Technologist” students to Kosovska Mitrovica for this year’s short-term study, internship and exchange of experience.

Information: since the signing of the cooperation agreement in 2011 BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov and Pristina University actively implemented partnerships. Technological University hosted the official delegation of the highest level; for the third year in a row, specialists of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is sent to Kosovska Mitrovitsa as teachers of Russian as a foreign language; through cooperation, Serbian students regularly come to Belgorod to study, practice and internship. Since 2015, students and teachers from Kosovsk-Mitrovitsy have increased the level of knowledge of the Russian language in the framework of the “Study + Rest” summer courses on the basis of the reference university in the Belgorod Region. Each year, a team of a partner Serbian university takes part in the inter-university youth festival “Rus Reserve”. A significant amount of educational and fiction literature was transferred to the Serbian university, which had its own library in its time, in the framework of the project #kva_v_dar, thanks to which even now the partner library is regularly updated with new products. Joint scientific, project and publication activities are being actively conducted, conferences are being held, etc.

Since its inception, the permanent coordinator of this cooperation has been the director of the Institute of the Serbian Language and Communications of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, who was also the initiator of posting on the official website of the University of Pristina, the web presentation of BSTU. named after  V.G. Shukhov in Serbian.

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