3D additive technology in construction

At the department of building materials science, products and structures of the flagship university, a 3D construction printer was commissioned. With its help, young scientists of the university will conduct research.


Additive technologies or layered synthesis technologies are one of the most dynamically developing areas in science. In a short time since the advent of the 3D printer, people learned how to print dishes, toys, cars, and even human organs and fabrics. The range of items that are printed using a three-dimensional printer is constantly expanding.


Work on the creation of technology and equipment for 3D-additive technologies are carried out in many countries around the world, but there is still no scientific justification for building composites, technologies and laws for creating these composites.

The fundamental basis for designing and creating composites for additive technologies is a transition to transdisciplinary research, including the direction of “Geonics (geomimetics)”.

Examples of additive technologies are found in nature. For example, masonry mortars are layered synthesis. Brick masonry is an analogue of layered rocks. But if masonry mortars in structures have a tensile strength of about 1 MPa, banded rocks have a tensile strength of up to 70 MPa. Studies of the microstructure of rocks allowed to improve the quality of similar materials.

In order to develop building composites for 3D-additive technologies at the department of materials science, products and structures of  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov commissioned laboratory building 3D-printer.

With the use of such equipment, students, undergraduates, graduate students and staff can visually see the mechanism of building 3D printing, conduct research and more.

Scientific studies using similar equipment will attract attention to the activities of scientists of the support university.

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