Five students of BSTU got scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation

The competition for a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students engaged in advanced research and development in priority areas of the modernization of the Russian economy, started in late March. The results of the Grant Council were summed up only now - among the winners of five young scientists from the supporting university – BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov.

Among them:

- Dmitry Bushuev: “Theoretical and experimental study of nonlinear phenomena induced by boundary collision bifurcations in piecewise-smooth models of vibration systems with impulse control”;

- Liliya Kushchenko: “Study of the formation of traffic congestion in order to improve environmental and economic indicators”;

- Denis Suslov: “Development of the scientific and technical basis for the production and distribution of biomethane in gas supply systems”;

- Yuri Koshlich: “Development of a technology for constructing software and hardware systems of wireless sensor networks with low power consumption for the communication interaction of open systems”;

- Anastasia Shevtsova: "Development and scientific substantiation of the technology of adaptive traffic management using telematics devices."

Financial resources are allocated to young scientists to conduct research in 2019-2021.

The competition was attended by young scientists and graduate students under the age of 35 years from all over Russia. They offered developments in priority areas: energy efficiency and energy saving, nuclear, space, medical and strategic information technologies.

According to the terms of the competition, participants must have published scientific papers in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, as well as work in teaching and research positions in Russian scientific organizations or universities, or study full-time in graduate school.

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