The University was visited by a delegation of the Al Munir private school

Rector of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov met with Dr. Ahed Asslan. He is an owner of  the Al-Munir  private Syrian school, and heads its management council. The school is located in Latakia. Syrian delegation  is a part of summer language courses of the flagship university.


The meeting with the guest from Syria was attended by university rector Sergey Glagolev, President Anatoly Gridchin, and Vice-Rector for International Affairs Ruslan Lesovik. Mr. Asslan thanked  head of the university for the warm reception:
“We want to change the stereotype about Russia in our youth. We want to show that here you can get a quality education, to demonstrate the Russian culture. We have chosen for this trip the best students - leaders in mathematics, physics and literature. ”
At Al Munir private school, Syrians learn Russian. Ahed Aslan brought a textbook, on the basis of which the educational program was built, in order to consult with the native Russian speakers and teachers of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov and, possibly, to make changes to the training.

Al Mounir Private School is an educational complex on the shores of the Mediterranean. It includes a kindergarten, a school and the first stages of higher education in legal and economic areas. 4 700 people study here.

“We want to cooperate with your university,” appealed to the Rector, Ahed Aasslan. - In the future we plan to open the Faculty of Civil Engineering. We want to use your experience at the primary stage, we hope for cooperation. ”
Sergey Glagolev, the rector of the regional support university, supported the idea and suggested discussing it in detail and concretizing at subsequent meetings, developing mechanisms for implementing joint projects. He also noted the value of the visit of the Syrian delegation to Russia.

“It's nice that you came to us. We hope that the time spent will be useful and interesting, that you will study and understand Russia. And your young guys, leaders, will forever be in love with the Russian people and, in general, the country, ”said Sergey Glagolev. - Students benefit from obtaining different degrees of education in different countries. It would be nice if after the bachelor’s program these guys came to study with us for the magistracy. ”

At the meeting, the guests also exchanged memorable souvenirs with the university administration.

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