The Institute of Serbian Language and Communications of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov opened an exhibition in Moscow

In the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Russian Federation in Moscow opened the author's exhibition of Orthodox icons Sanya Miladinovic from the Serbian city of Soko-Banya. The event was organized by the Serbian Language and Communications Institute of the base university at the forum-festival “Serbian Days in the Black Soil-2019”.

The exhibition was opened by the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia to the Russian Federation, Dr. Slavenko Terzic. He noted the fundamental role of Orthodoxy for the development of fraternal interconnections of the Russian and Serbian peoples, praised the work of Sanya Miladinovic. He thanked the director of the Serbian Language and Communications Institute, Victoria Ryapukhina, as a representative of the support institution for contributing to the promotion of the Serbian language, culture and the idea of ​​Russian-Serbian friendship.

At the opening of the exhibition, Sanya Miladinovic spoke about the closeness of the Russian and Serbian icon-painting tradition. She presented the ambassador with one of her icons, painted on the famous Serbian fresco “White Angel” (Annunciation).


Victoria Ryapukhina also addressed the audience and told about the details of the visit of Sanya Miladinovic to Russia and about the festival-forum “Serbian Days in the Black Soil Region”. The forum has already been held in Voronezh, Belgorod and Tambov.


The grand opening was completed by the performance of the vocal-instrumental group “Other sounds”.

The exposition was formed as a result of the author's selection of works, the number of which exceeds 500. Thus, the guests are presented rare icons of the Life of St. Nicholas of the Round Mind, Jesus Christ, St. Anne and the Most Holy Virgin Mary, made in the bright and warm tones.

The central place in the exhibition is occupied by the icon of St. Jovan Vladimir, the royal Serbian martyr, on the eve of the day of worship of which, by coincidence, and opened the exhibition. The author herself assesses this coincidence as nonrandom and very happy, since he honors Saint Jovan Vladimir as his heavenly patron.

The exhibition also presents the previously donated to Evgeny Osenkov, the head of the Russian-Serb Dialogue Center for International Cooperation, the icon of the blessed Matrona of Moscow. She attracted the attention of guests copyright decision - the holy is depicted with open eyes. In the words of Sanya Miladinovich herself: “Before the Lord God, everyone is equal and has no physical defects. In addition, the icon is a reflection of that world, which is impossible to see with your eyes. Only heart.


The exposition was decorated with the classic icons of the Virgin “Burning Bush”, St. Mark, the Archangel Gabriel, the Virgin Mary and Christ.

The exhibition will work in the Serbian embassy until mid-June, and then will move to Belgorod.

Note that the Serbian icon painter came to Russia, thanks to the cooperation of BSTU. V.G. Shukhov with the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church. Another master class is scheduled for this visit at the Youth Day in Moscow.

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