The project Night Meta was appreciated at a start-up conference in Skolkovo

The Shukhov exhibition-performance won the first place in the nomination “The best project in the field of technological solutions” in the competition of youth scientific and innovative creativity on the theme “Ecology and urban environment”.


The award ceremony was held at the annual international conference for technology entrepreneurs Startup Village 2019.
Deputy Director of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia Dmitry F. congratulated the winners of the competition and identified issues of ecology, energy conservation, environmentally friendly friendship and the development of technologies in the field of urban economy - one of the priorities in modern society.


“We tell about our experience in organizing events and events that develops the maker and ecological urban environment. All activities attract people's attention to environmental issues, recycling, energy conservation, water conservation and development. Recently, together with the Green Capital Forum, we have created an interesting focus on the development of the water area in the city center, where local residents can attend various sports. The Meta team, along with volunteers, actors of the Spichka theater, engineers, designers and architects, presented the light show and Lilac and Water show on the central embankment in Belgorod Victory Park. Thousands of Belgorod residents and guests of the city saw the event, ”says Viktor Babayev, head of the Metamorphosis Center for Information Technologies.

Note that the competition is aimed at attracting young people to the formation of a system of intelligent ecology.

The competition was organized by the Association of Innovative Regions and the operator Maxima.

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