New representative offices of the international center Geonika (Geomimetics)

International Research and Education Center "Geonika (Geomimetics)"  of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov opened his representative office in the Far Eastern Federal University and signed an agreement on opening the next one, but already in Kazakhstan.

The activities of scientists who use the theoretical principles of geonics (geomimetics) in their work are attracting more and more attention. To develop cooperation with international organizations, educational institutions and enhance transdisciplinary research, as well as to improve the educational process and improve the quality of training, an international scientific and educational center "Geonika (geomimetics)" was established at the regional support university.

This center conducts work both in scientific, and in educational spheres. It organizes online lectures by highly qualified foreign specialists, consultations and joint research. It is headed by Valery Lesovik, head of the department of mass media at the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Corresponding Member of RAACS, doctor of technical sciences, professor.

A representative office of the Shukhov center opened in the Far Eastern Federal University. An associate professor of the  Military Training Center, Lieutenant Colonel Roman Fedyuk was appointed as its head.

At the same time, an agreement was signed on opening another representative office. It will be based in Kazakhstan at the Research Institute for Building Materials, Construction and Architecture. The purpose of the work of the representative office is the intensification of scientific activity, the advanced training of teachers and specialists, the initiation of the work of undergraduates and graduate students of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

Negotiations are underway to open a representative office of the International Geophysical Educational Center Geonika (Geomimetics), with several universities in Russia and the Kazakhstan Academy of Natural Sciences.

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