The university awarded the winners and prize-winners of the Shukhov Competition

Graduates of 11 classes of schools in Belgorod received in a solemn atmosphere diplomas of winners and prize-winners of the competition from the hands of the vice-rector for educational activities of BSTU. Named after  V.G. Shukhov Vladimir Polyakov. These achievements will add 5 points to students when they enroll in a university.


The competition itself was held in several nominations. Among them are not only technical blocks, such as mathematics, computer science, physics, but also the Russian language, social studies, drawing and composition. Pupils went through two stages of competition. The first is the execution of thematic competitive works on nominations, and the second is the writing of final competitive works.

This year, 170 people successfully coped with them, and during the existence of the competition, 750 Belgorod winners became winners and winners.


“We hope that the classes that were held here within the framework of the“ Shukhov Competition ”will contribute to the collection of points based on the results of the USE. According to the results of this competition, you have already received the first 5 points on admission. It remains to dial 155 to the minimum threshold, - Vladimir Polyakov, vice rector for educational activities, addressed the children. - We are interested in coming to us purposefully, and not by chance. Because you need to study for 4 years, then another 2 years, a lot of practice, a lot of targeted training. You must have willpower to complete these tests. It’s only goal-oriented. ”




At the end of the speech, Vladimir Polyakov asked which schoolchildren are going to enroll in the core university of the region? Hands raised most of the guys.

Note that the “Shukhov Competition” is an annual intellectual contest organized by the BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov and the Department of Education of the Belgorod region.

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