The results of the contest We are Belgorod residents! Think, decide, act

Winners and prize-winners of the open regional competition of new technologies and innovative projects were awarded in the building of the government of the Belgorod region. Over two thousand participants fought for the victory, but the jury determined only 15 of the best.


Competition "We - Belgorod! Think, decide, act ”takes place at the Department of Education of the Belgorod Region, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and with the support of the governor. It was created so that schoolchildren implement social projects for the benefit of their region. Most of the competitive projects are of a research nature, but the contestants also defend before the expert committee socially significant and creative ideas aimed at the socio-economic development of the Belgorod region.

During its existence, the competition has become massive. It was attended by 27,000 people, of which 168 received the status of winners and prize-winners. In 2019, 2,000 young Belgorod residents fought for victory. It is becoming more and more difficult to choose the winner of the expert commission each time.

“The competition annually proves that our land is rich in talented people,” notes Olga Pavlova, deputy governor of the Belgorod Region. “Such people as Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov was, a man of world renown who glorified our region. Such people who sit in this room. Two thousand people put their souls and thoughts into making our life better. This is a big number, and she says that there is a new generation in the Belgorod region that is creating and thinking about the future. And if there are such people, it means that our region also has a future. ”

“It’s not enough to be a creative person, you need to constantly think about where and how our projects will be implemented,” says Sergei Glagolev, rector of the BSTU. V.G. Shukhov. - It is very good that teachers help to think creatively, but it is always important to think about where the project will go next? What in the end will be implemented? It is gratifying that this thought can be traced more and more often in the declared works.


All our winners, we give a certificate for a guaranteed income on a budget basis in BSTUnamed after  V.G. Shukhov.

The Grand Prix of the regional open competition and a special prize of the governor - a tablet - was obtained by Artyom Borisov, a pupil of secondary school No. 49 of Belgorod. He won with a project to create an electronic educational resource, allowing to form the interest of elementary school students in physics.

“In the modern world, children want to see and understand. They watch videos on YouTube and stories on Instagram. Therefore, I chose this format, - says Artyom Borisov. “Such contests are important, because first of all they help a person to find himself and not give up.”

The rest of the winners were awarded in the framework of nominations:

"The legacy of Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov":

1st place - Dmitry Prysenko, Krasnenskaya Secondary School named. M.I. Svetlichnaya - “Creation of a software and hardware complex with the functionality of a smart socket for remote control of the Smart Home system”;

3rd place - Anna Ruchka, Secondary School No. 4 of Alekseevsky urban district - “The concept of development of the Alekseevka road network”;

"Science Without Borders":

2nd place - Pavel Rodionov, Krasnoyaruzhskaya Secondary School No. 1 - “Possibilities of using the Halbach massif in magnetic transport”;

3rd place - Timofey Bold, secondary school №2 with in-depth study of individual subjects of the city of Gubkin - “SID - the creation of a multifunctional apparatus for insulin-dependent people”;

"Technical creativity":

1st place - Andrei Kudrenko, Weidelevsky District House of Children's Art - “Model of a multifunctional 6-speed planetary gearbox”;

2nd place - Yegor Moskalets, school of them. V.G. Shukhov of the city of Grayvoron - “Determination of the air quality index for the content of PM2.5 dust microparticles in the house and school premises”;

3rd place - Dmitry Paramonov, Staroivanovskaya Secondary School of Volokonovsky District - “Automatic soil humidifier with a circuit diagram of a watering device”;

"Youth perspective on the development of the region":

1 place:

- Denis Protsenko and Maxim Zmeyev, secondary school No. 2 with in-depth study of individual subjects of the city of Novy Oskol - “5 individual projects on the school planetarium”;

- Ekaterina Moiseenko, Secondary School No. 2 of Alekseevsky urban district - “Biological features of promising grape varieties with valuable economic indicators”;

2nd place:

- Tatyana Dyachkova, Rakityanskaya Secondary School No. 1 - Quest room “Profi-plus”;

- Anastasia Nazina, Secondary School №1 with in-depth study of individual subjects to them. Princess Olga Nikolaevna Romanova of the city of Novy Oskol - “Volunteer blog”;

3rd place - Dmitry Obelchak, Safarov Kamandar Safar Ogly, Lutsenkovskaya Secondary School Alekseevskogo urban district - "The installation of memorial signs on the site of the former Lutsenkovsky Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary."






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