The regional competition Serbia in my heart took place for the third time at the university

Serbian Resource Center of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is develop international relations with Serbian partners in education, science and culture. Its organizes visits of delegations, pilgrimage trips, exhibitions, art open-airs. A special place among them is occupied by the competition “Serbia in my heart”.

A competition with such a name is traditionally held by the Serbian Embassy in Moscow, gathering admirers of this country, its culture and language. Employees of the flagship university of the Belgorod region dared to implement the idea at the regional level. For the third year the project has been successful. This time the participants did not fit in the Serbian Resource Center, and therefore the disco hall of the Student Palace of Culture became a new platform for the competition.

“We are pleased that the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Russia entrusted us with such a responsible mission as holding a competition in the regions,” Victoria Ryapukhina, director of the Serbian Resource Center at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov told the participants. - This tradition is alive for the third year. Nice to see the participants in such numbers. I would like to wish everyone success. Do not worry, express yourself creatively and feel Serbia in your heart. ”

This is not an ordinary competitive contest, but a place with a special atmosphere. While the participants were warming up, preparing and rehearsing on the stage, interactive platforms worked in different parts of the disco. At one point in the postcrossers, the guys sent postcards to any city in the world, to the other, they made bracelets. The site was also organized by the “Holy Belogorye against childhood cancer”: proceeds from sold souvenirs and toys are used for treatment and help for sick children. The exhibition of creativity of the participants of the competition “Serbia in my heart” - paintings and photographs - also worked.

Participants demonstrated their numbers on the main stage. Here were the smallest Belgorod, even preschoolers, and high school students, and university students. They read literary works in the original and translation, staged theatrical performances, sang. Entry guys dedicated to Serbia, its capital Belgrade, the tragic events in Kosovo.

According to the results of the competition, the jury selected winners in five nominations and five age categories. We publish the names of the first places winners:

“Multimedia Works” - Theater Studio “Enchanting Spectacle” (Secondary School No. 45);

"Reading literary works in original and translation":

1st age category - Alisa Mazurina, Arseny Karnaukhov;

2nd age category - Alexander Kryl;

3rd age category - Eva Mazurina;

4th age category - Christina Mashentseva;

5th age category - Elena Berestovaya;


“Theatrical and plastic-choreographic compositions” - “Parade of Hats” (Secondary School No. 50);

"Performance of music":

2nd age category - Vitaly Prilishch, Valerian Ivchin, Victoria Milosevic;

3rd age category - Violetta Kizhapkina;

4th age category - Bondo Badzhaladze;

5th age category - Anastasia Kucherenko and Anastasia Efimova;

"Fine art and photography":

1st age category - Maria Perova, Maria Miroshnikova;

2nd age category - Efim Kulik, Alexandra Novikova;

3rd age category - Victoria Kukushkina, Anton Reshetnyak, Maria Polyaks;

4th age category - Polina Eshchenko.

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