Even on holidays students keep working


On the last holidays in May, we had rested for a long time, but not the fighters of student groups of the flagship university. Quite the contrary, more than 110 people started work in the Belgorod Region and Moscow.

From 23rd of April, in the pre-Easter week, 20 fighters of student core groups worked at Kolos JSC. They formed and packed Easter cakes.

From April 30, the combined student construction team of the university began to repair and prepare for the summer season of the recreation center "Technologist" in the Borisov district. The number of detachment - 20 people. Duration of work - 2 weeks. But the guys managed to accelerate the pace in 8 days.

For a short time they managed:

- develop more than 320 square meters of soil;

- arrange the underlying and leveling layers of the bases of sand, crushed stone, sand-cement mixture, and that is 1,200 cubic meters;

- put 135 square meters of paving slabs;

- paint with oil paints, primer and lacquer coatings 1,230 square meters of wooden flooring and 2,600 square meters of metal structures.

The detachment was led by a student of the Department of Construction and Municipal Economy Artem Lutchenko.

It is important that during the work the fighters were equipped with personal protective equipment, and the staff of the university's food factory provided the detachment with hot three meals a day.

Since 1st of Mayin the Yakovlevsky district, on the grounds of the Agro-Belogorie group of companies, a consolidated detachment of more than 40 fighters has begun to landscaping and planting an apple orchard. Their task was to plant and water young saplings of apple trees, as well as to clean the area. In total, 250,000 seedlings will be planted in the garden.

On holidays, 22 long-distance trains to their destinations are driven by fighters from student groups of guides. Immediately in the three depot earned zonal headquarters of the All-Russian student detachment of conductors, preparations began for the summer admission of students.

It should be noted that all fighters are officially employed and receive wages in accordance with the standards and employment records. May jobs for students - a kind of exam and preparation for the upcoming summer work semester.

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