Students of BSTU - bronze medalists of the All-Russian Cup

Shukhov team  brought the third place from the All-Russian championship case "IYUIS Cup". This year, it devoted himself to the transition to the construction of a facility lifecycle management system.

A team of undergraduates of the Department of Real Estate Expertise and Management of  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. Application for participation in the case-championship on the topic "Information modeling of city facilities".

Roles in the team were distributed as follows:

- team captain, part-time, BIM-manager - Polina Davidenko;
- Architect - Irina Ryzhikh;
- designers - Ivan Sidenko, Ekaterina Kharina;
- the organizer of the construction is Ekaterina Chepurko;
- Economist - Tatiana Mom.

60 teams applied for participation, which is 380 people. However, only 16 teams coped with the first task. The second main stage was only 5 of them. At the decision of the case, the participants were given 5 weeks.

The team had to distribute the roles in accordance with the backdating and execute the project in real time. Head of the Intellectual Club of Students of the BIM-department of Metropolis LLC.

We give all that is necessary for the disclosure of the topic: the development and development of concepts, design and style.

According to the results of the evaluation after the first stage, with a minimum margin, the leaders are a team from NRU MGSU. The second, third and clear places, respectively, were taken by teams from VSTU, BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov, SPSUACE. In fifth place is another team from NRU MGSU.

All specialists in the project section are supervised by specialists in the project section of Metropolis LLC and the instructors of NRU MGSU. Team BSTU. V.G. Shukhov, consisting of undergraduates of the EU department, demanded to attract a student of the department of heat and gas supply and ventilation to develop sections of the project. 3rd year student Ivan Goltsov.

According to the results of the second stage, the UNIVERSITY TEAM has shifted from the 3rd place to the 4th place.


Five teams met in Moscow at the final stage of the competition. Each approach was completely different. Quality models, models and technologies.

Team of  BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov represented the  project of reconstruction of the industrial building of the plant in the art gallery. The guys proved to be a cohesive team. Comprehensive use of BIM-technologies developed within the framework of the project, in order to provide all the necessary production capabilities.

Places were distributed as follows:

- 1st place - team SPSUACE (St. Petersburg);
- 2nd place - BIMteam (E) NRU MGSU (Moscow);
- 3rd place - team BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov (Belgorod).

The jury of the championship highly appreciates the debut participation of the BSTU team. V.G. School and university higher education institutions that train specialists in the field of engineering modeling of buildings, structures and engineering systems.


In a solemn atmosphere of the participants of the team of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov was awarded bronze medals and diplomas of the III degree, as well as memorable prizes from the sponsor company Metropolis LLC.

In addition, the organizers of the competition - IESIS NRU MGSU - conducted for the children a tour of the research laboratories and the campus of the Moscow University. Guests were shown the famous wind tunnels to study the aerodynamic effects on buildings, structures and their elements.

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