International Conference of Young Scientists held in the reference university

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov hosted a scientific and technical conference in the area of ​​"Actual problems of economic and social development", where young  students scientists spoke.



The conference has become the platform that helps and facilitates the opening of talents to students, masters, graduate students and teachers of the Institute of Economics and Management. Since this year, the scientific meeting has acquired the status of a national one: students from all over Russia and neighboring countries took part in it. 100 applications were submitted for consideration, many of them in foreign languages.


The conference was opened by Director of the Institute of Economics and Management Yuri Doroshenko. He congratulated all those present, wished them productive work, the conquest of new heights and the endless improvement of their knowledge.

The works of scientists were assessed according to the criteria: the quality of the report, the answers to questions, the use of the demonstration material, the author’s possession of the scientific and special apparatus, the clarity of conclusions and others.

Competition and level of performance were high, so when summarizing the results, experts found that many participants scored the same number of points. But the commission decided to mark each participant for a high level of performance.

Note that the difference between diplomas of I and II degrees was only 1-3 points.

Diplomas of I degree:

- Tatiana Vasilchenko - “Development of a strategy for introducing innovations at the enterprise”

- Vsevolod Ustinov - “The main possible changes in the media advertising space in the long term”;

- Maxim Kondakov - "The introduction of mandatory certification as a way to solve the problem of improving the competitiveness of products."

Diplomas of II degree:

- Ksenia Malkova— “Economic and legal mechanisms for countering corruption”;

- Elizaveta Frankovskaya— “Production of lightweight concrete on porous aggregates in the Russian Federation: problems and prospects”;

- Vladislav Enin and Denis Gryaznov (comprehensive report in English) - “The economic security of public procurement in Belgorod. The economic security inpublic procurementin Belgorod ";

- Valeria Skrynnikova - “The present and the future of the paint industry”;

- Ekaterina Vasilyeva - “Economic foundations in the production of the petrochemical industry. Rubber".

Diplomas of III degree:

- Anastasia Zhdanova - "Production in the Russian Federation of asbestos-cement products: problems and prospects";

- Victoria Vasilyeva and Anastasia Mironenko (comprehensive report) - “Innovative development as a factor in increasing the level of economic security of the Belgorod Region”;

- Dariya Solodilova - "The problem of population in Russia."

All participants were awarded diplomas in the following nominations: “Best Report”, “Relevance and Novelty of Scientific Research”, “For an Analytical, Technically Literate, Structured Approach to the Work”, “Innovative Character of a Scientific Report”, “For Authors Contribution to the Topic Disclosure” other.

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