The first stage of the Path of Strength competition has started in the region

“We don’t give up ours!” - under such a motto at the recreation center of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov in the Borisov region passed the first stage of the military-sports test "Path of Strength". Team competitions are dedicated to the 370th anniversary of the fire brigade of Russia.

The test participants were greeted by the Deputy Head of the Main Directorate (State Fire Service) EMERCOM of Russia for the Belgorod Region, Colonel Internal Service Yevgeny Kovalnogikh, Deputy Chairman of the DOSAAF Regional Branch of the Belgorod Region Viktor Pogrebnyak, Head of the Belgorod Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization “Battle Brotherhood”, Hero of Russia Vyacheslav Vorobyov and the head of the project “Path of Strength”, chairman of the sport-patriotic club “Belogor” Aleksei Yarmak.

In the debut stage, 12 teams from Belgorod and the region met - more than 100 students and pupils of military-patriotic and sports clubs.


The participants ran 5 km over rough terrain and overcame an army obstacle course: mounted and parallel crossings, a cascade of walls, and a climbing wall. In addition, the teams needed to extinguish the conditional source of fire and provide first aid to the "injured." In the final part, the participants competed in the firing of airsoft drives and played in "Laser Tag".

“This year we have divided the teams into two age groups: the youngest, where the participants were 14-17 years old, and the oldest - from 18 years old. Despite the rather difficult distance, all the teams coped with “excellent”, and the atmosphere of cohesion and fighting team spirit helped them in this, ”said project leader Alexei Yarmak.

The victory in the younger group was won by the team "Rusichi-2" from Prokhorovka. The second place was taken by the guys from the Kremlin of Kremlevets. Closed the top three finalists "Olympian" from Rakityansky district.

The first place in the senior group was won by the sportsmen of the Rakity club "Olympian", the second - by the Prokhorov team "Rusichi". Bronze competition took the team "Russia" from Belgorod.


Winners and prize-winners were awarded with team cups. And all participants have the “Path of Power” sign and memorable souvenirs. Also field athletes and fragrant tea with thyme and oregano waited for athletes and guests of the competition.


The competition partner was the headquarters of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Belgorod region. Before the start of the competition, the department officials presented an exhibition of fire equipment and demonstrated dynamic demonstrations on fighting the fire and eliminating road accidents with the evacuation of the “injured” from the car.

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