Rector S. Glagolev presented a report on the activities of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov in 2018

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov hosted a conference of staff and students where the rector Sergei Glagolev gave an annual report on the activities of the university.

In 2018, the university strengthened its position as a driver for the development of the economy of the Belgorod Region and one of the leading universities in Russia. As a flagship university in the region, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov fulfilled and exceeded 12 of the 13 target indicators of the Flagship University Development Program.


“The past year was key year in preparing for the state accreditation of educational activities of the university. The team has done a lot of work, the result of which is the successful accreditation of more than 280 educational programs in 90 areas of training and specialties, ”the rector said.



The admission campaign in 2018 was successful: the university fully met the admission control numbers. In addition, the number of budgetary places in the magistracy has increased, which also affects the status of the university. Licensed 3 secondary education programs, in which 330 people study. Now the university is faced with the task of accrediting these areas, expanding the range of specialties and increasing the number of students.

The base university is actively developing an automated system for graduate employment, which already contains 12,000 student portfolios and more than 300 current vacancies of employers.



“After graduation, each graduate receives up to 4 job offers, which confirms the high level of competitiveness of our graduates,” said Sergei Glagolev. - According to the results of the monitoring of universities of the Russian Federation, the share of employed graduates of our university is 75%, and for four years we have maintained the leading position among universities of the Belgorod region. And according to the coordinating analytical center for employment assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, our university ranks first among 350 educational organizations in Russia in the ranking of activities in the field of employment assistance for students and graduates. ”

Competitiveness of graduates of "Technologist" contributes to the fact that in 2018 more than 3,000 people received additional vocational education, of which more than 40% are students. Training was carried out on 62 programs and individual courses.

There are  2,000 foreign students from 82 countries of the world study at BSTU. Joint academic, scientific and cultural programs are being implemented with Serbia, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Morocco, and Egypt. Under the ERASMUS + program, students study at European universities and receive a European scholarship. Excellent results show programs for the spread of the Russian language abroad at the University of Hassan 1, the Institute of Funtius (Morocco), as well as at the Hulunbuir Institute (China).

“Among the most important tasks of the region, designated by the regional governor Evgeny Savchenko, there are points related to the transition to new technologies: analysis of large data sets, smart home, smart city, robots, three-dimensional modeling and so on, the rector said. “Our primary function is to assist each medium and large enterprise in developing a plan for digital transformation and its implementation.”

The total number of patents supported by the university is 278. The university employees received 62 patents. And the total number of intellectual property results was 805 units.

For the development of high-tech entrepreneurship and the functioning of the Regional Strategic Technological Entrepreneurship System developed jointly with Skolkovo, agreements have been concluded with three departments of the Belgorod region  Government, an interuniversity engineering design office has been established. Within the framework of the interdepartmental group on construction, more than 30 projects have already been initiated, seven of which are being implemented.

“The university has developed a four-block system for teaching technology entrepreneurship. Due to this, the number of innovative projects recommended for implementation amounted to more than 1,500, and more than a hundred implemented in our technology park, ”the rector emphasized.

Note that by the end of 2018, the university improved its position in the rankings. In the rating of the Expert RA agency, the university ranks 55th among Russian universities (in 2017, it ranked 60th). In the National University Ranking ("Interfax") in the "Innovations" category, the university rose to 12th place. Significantly improved position in the international ranking Webometrcs - 73 among the universities of Russia - and Google Scholars Citations - 15 place.



“In 2019 and for the next 10 years, the university faces ambitious and ambitious tasks that require maximum responsibility of managers at all levels, team approach and personal participation of each team member. Together we can accomplish what we cannot do alone, ”concluded Sergey Glagolev.

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