The exhibition Palette of the native land opened in the museum of the University

In the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov earned the exhibition of a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Nikolai Korkin. Guests of the opening were foreign students, future designers and architects, as well as university professors.


The name of the exhibition is “Palette of the native land”. It is no coincidence: most of the exhibition works, and these are 52 paintings, represent landscapes. Although Nikolai Korkin works in different genres. He paints and still lifes, and creates subject paintings, but one of the favorite subjects for him is the landscape. In one of his interviews, the artist said that he was a supporter of respect for the outside world:

"It is necessary not only to take from nature, but also to give her something, and not to ruin and destroy it."

At the exhibition in the museum complex of the supporting university one can see the nature of the Belgorod region, and the open-air works of the artist brought from Pskov, Novgorod and other cities.

“As you can see in the pictures, this is all my dear, this is my homeland,” says Stanislav Minakov, a guest of the exhibition, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. - There are many recognizable, spiritual aspects are visible. We can see Belgorod temples in the paintings, for example, Mikhailovsky, as well as a font in Shopino. These are wonderful landscapes. ”


Traditionally, students come to see the exhibition, the future profession of which is connected with design and architecture. The importance of this was noted by Alexander Popov, head of the architectural design department:

“From these works comes heat, visible to the pure soul of the author. One feels with what love he painted all the landscapes. Students, I think, a great help to see these works, because they are filled with a great love for their homeland. "

Note that the exhibition “The Palette of the Native Land” was timed to coincide with two major events: the approaching Easter and the jubilee inter-university youth festival “Russia reserved”.

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