Association of universities of Chernozem region: current issues of higher education development

On the basis of the Smolensk State University, a meeting of the Association of universities of the Chernozem Region was held. The meeting participants discussed topical issues of the development of higher education in the country. The meeting was also attended by the rector of the flagship university Sergey Glagolev.


The Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Black Soil Region is an association of university leaders. She is already five years old. The Association is part of the Russian Union of Rectors. Association members meet every six months and discuss current issues and prospects.

The chairman of the association, Dmitry Endovitsky, the rector of the Voronezh State University, thanked the regional administration, Smolensk State University and the Union of Rectors of the region for organizing the spring meeting:

“It is pleasant to be on the heroic land of Smolensk. It's great that our association is getting stronger not just by meetings, but by real deeds. We are creating a joint expert advice. When rectors gather at a round table, most of the problems are removed. We understand the need for interaction, so we help each other in accreditation procedures, we develop network educational programs, and one of the directions is the organization of school olympiads ”.


The rectors and members of the university administration participating in the association gathered at the round table: Belgorod State Technological University named after VG Shukhov, Bryansk State Technological University, Voronezh State University, Kursk State University, Lipetsk State Technical University, Orlovsky State University named after I.S. Turgenev, as well as the vice-governor of the Smolensk region, Polina Khomaiko, and heads of local educational organizations.

The first issue on the agenda was devoted to the implementation of recommendations and decisions of the XII Congress of the Russian Union of Rectors and the Congress of the Eurasian Association of Universities. The meeting participants discussed the results of the congress in a discussion form and outlined plans for the implementation of the recommendations.

“At the conference, a detailed report was given by Viktor Sadovnichy, the rector of Moscow State University, about the challenges that face the universities. It addressed the issues of youth literacy, the informatization of society, the challenges associated with space exploration, the Arctic. The main idea expressed in the report is that today the government has defined mechanisms by which universities can respond to these challenges. They are spelled out in national projects, ”said Olga Pilipenko, rector of Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev.

Mikhail Artemenkov, the Acting Rector of Smolensk State University, suggested that this be brought to the regional authorities:

“The report of Victor Antonovich contained information constantly discussed in the rector's environment. Our involvement in these issues is very high, so it is very important that the main ideas of the report be heard not only by the rector’s community, but also by the regional authorities. Because it gives an understanding of the direction in which our society is developing, the sphere of education, and the place universities should take in this process. ”

At the meeting, the Association’s universities were recommended to participate in the Moscow international rating “Three University Missions” and focus efforts on the implementation of national projects.

The second issue on the agenda concerned the 100th anniversary of the student union movement, which is celebrated in Russia this year. On the history of student government and modern support measures told the chairman of the Student Coordinating Council of the Trade Union, the chairman of the trade union committee of students of SmolSU Victor Shabelnik.

According to him, the activities of the trade union are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the realization of the constitutional right of young people to accessible, high-quality professional education, to develop and strengthen the student union movement, to unite efforts and coordinate the activities of the primary trade union organizations of students to achieve common goals.

The members of the Association of Rectors of the Black Soil Region unanimously decided to support the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of student unions.

“The year of the 100th anniversary of the student trade union movement can and should be a year of strengthening cooperation between university generations, strengthening trade unions of student organizations as universities, as public associations of advanced students, a year of implementing concrete plans for the further development of students' creative activity, their civic responsibility and their social support”, - stated in the decision.

It is planned to celebrate the anniversary in a big way: the first major event - the conference of student unions - will be held in late April at the Moscow State University. Also, all federal districts will join the large-scale motor rally.

After the meeting, the participants laid flowers at the Eternal Flame and visited the sights of Smolensk.

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