Rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov became a participant of the Moscow International Educational Salon

Sergey Glagolev joined the delegation of the Belgorod region. Together with his colleagues at the MIES, he presented the Agro-industrial complex “Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex”.

These days the Moscow International Educational Salon operates at the VDNH in Moscow. This is the largest event in the field of education in Russia. It is on this site that the largest exhibition in the country of modern educational technologies, infrastructure and intellectual solutions is held in the country. The salon has already established itself as a confident platform for communication between the educational and expert communities, government and business on topical issues in this area.

At the Moscow Salon presented 400 expositions. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kotyukov, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva have already become honored guests.


The show presents the first three regional NOCs, which President Vladimir Putin identified in his message to the Federal Assembly as the most prepared for implementation, as part of the show. Among them, Belgorod - research and educational center "Innovative solutions in agriculture." Olga Pavlova, Deputy Governor of the Belgorod Region, presented concept at the exhibition.

The regional delegates from the region included the rector of the regional flagship university Sergey Glagolev,  Oleg Polukhin- the rector of the BelSU National Research University, as well as representatives of the research and educational  centers: Efko, Agro-Belogoriya, Prioskolya, premix No. 1.

Research and educational center “Innovative solutions in the agricultural sector” will operate in several innovative areas:

- Selection and genetics;

- Microbiological products;

- Smart fertilizers;

- Information technology in the agro-industrial complex.

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