Business games in real production

They were attended by students of the department of building materials, products and designs. The games were held in partnership with the factory "ZHBK-1".


The main goal of business games is to provide students with the deepest insight into the characteristics of real production. This allows you to systematize the results at the university.

On the first day of the business meetings, the participants met with the chairman of the board of directors of ZhBK-1, Yuri Selivanov, the head of the personnel department and heads of departments. They tell about the history of the plant, its tasks and development plans. Students visited the museum and participated in a sightseeing tour of the units.


After work began everyday. Each student under the guidance of factory masters and heads of departments studied a separate section of production. They solved production problems, timed them.

As a result, all the prepared reports on the activities of their units and protection, not only to the teachers of the departments, but also to the employees of "ZBK-1".

“We already knew about the production, about the work on the document. - says the participant Yevgeny Korneiko. He was understudy of the head of the department "JBK-1." - Games and training in this specialty are important. Technologies are improving, robotizing, we need to follow the trends and introduce new developments. ”

“Games are preparing for reality. They form an understanding of our profession, ”Karina Martynova shared her thoughts. She was a backup technologist. - We have seen where we can put our efforts and knowledge. For students, it is important to deeply know the technology of production. "

Recall, between the department of mass media and one of the leading enterprises of the region - the plant "ZHBI-1" - an agreement was concluded on conducting research aimed at developing composites of the new generation on satellite resources of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly.

Cooperation with universities allows training at a new level.

It also cooperates with OJSC Belgorodstroydetal, production company PIK-Industry of the Moscow Region and others.

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