Connection of times and generations

The exhibition with the same name was held in BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. Her main character was Anatoly Kolesnikov, who here presented her eponymous book to university students.


Anatoly Kolesnikov has a rich life biography. He is an excellent student of vocational education of the Russian Federation, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, an honorary activist of the veteran movement in the Belgorod Region. Anatoly Grigoryevich also works as the deputy chairman of the regional branch of the organization of veterans of the Russian armed forces.


He worked in the SMU "Vodstroy", "Belgorodoblselstroy", Belgorod vocational school № 6, the education department of the region and not only. He was also a first-class athlete in his youth, graduated with honors and was even elected to the Komsomol city committee. But I did not build a career there, I decided to be an engineer.

Being a versatile person, Anatoly Kolesnikov is interested in creativity, especially patriotic. He has already released a collection of "25 years of the Belgorod city public organization of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor, armed forces and law enforcement agencies."

Now he has prepared a new book for publication - “The Connection of Times and Generations in the Belgorod Region”.

About her guest and told the students of the supporting university. Young people got to know both the author himself and the concept of the book. Veterans and colleagues of Anatoly Grigorievich: Sergey Litvinov, deputy chairman of the Belgorod Regional Duma, veteran of the Great Patriotic War Maria Koltakova, member of the Writers' Union of Russia Vladislav Shapovalov, honorary citizen of the city of Belgorod George Golikov and others were honored guests of the exhibition-presentation.

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