New Science Step of the University

BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov and the Slavyanka group of companies, will set up a research and education center in Stary Oskol.


The main goals pursued by the two organizations are the economic development of the Belgorod Region, the struggle against the shortage of qualified personnel, and the improvement of the quality of labor resources in the Stary Oskol urban district.


An agreement has been reached between the flagship university of the region and Slavyanka on a joint vocational guidance program for pupils and students. In particular, the popularization of engineering education and the training of specialists under the order of industrial partners.

The Research and Education Center will hold contests, competitions, preparatory courses for high school students. The children will be offered different educational formats: secondary vocational and higher education, targeted training, internships and internships based on those implemented in BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov projects "Institute of Mentoring" and "Dual Education".

The Research and Education Center is also open to employees of enterprises in the region. They will be able to get additional professional education or take advanced training courses without interrupting production.


“The most important direction of the center’s work will be research and development activities involving the leading scientists of our university,” says Sergei Mikhailichenko, vice-rector for continuing education at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. “The plans of the university and the Slavyanka Group include joint implementation of projects aimed at the innovative development of industrial and economic clusters of the Belgorod Region, the creation of a system of corporate (basic) departments and research laboratories at enterprises of industrial partners, and the solution of accumulated production problems.”

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