Academic Council of the University of Reference discussed the accreditation of the university and new educational programs

The agenda of the meeting also included the activities of student groups and competitive affairs of the university.

By tradition, at the beginning of the meeting of the Academic Council, the Rector of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Sergey Glagolev held the award ceremony for employees and students who contributed to the development of the university. Diplomas for professionalism and conscientious work were received by the teams of the Engineering and Construction Institute, the Chemical Technology Institute, the Institute of Economics and Management, as well as the management of accounting and financial control.



The grateful letter of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Belgorod Region from the rector’s hands was received by Ekaterina Shagayeva, a student of the CTI. She won at the Russian Judo Championship among juniors and juniors under 21. It is noteworthy that the girl started the struggle at the university, only 1.5 years ago, and has already reached such heights.


For the excellent training of graduate students with diplomas of the Dean of the Faculty of Urban Planning of the University of Kufa (Iraq), Professor Al-Baghdadi Avdulsaib N.R. awarded Vitaly Pertsev, Director of the Architectural Institute, and Margarita Perkova, Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning.

At the meeting, Yevgeny Doroganov, Director of the Education Policy Department, spoke on the tasks of developing educational programs in accordance with the requirements of the GEF VO (3 ++). He also spoke about the results of accreditation. According to him, the university coped with the task: "It is important that the staff and teachers promptly made adjustments, fixed and took into account the comments of the accreditation commission."


Oleg Gorshkov, the Chief of Staff of the SSO, told about the recruitment and work of student groups. He urged the directors of the institutes to be loyal to the students who are practicing in the construction teams: “We distribute all fighters depending on the specialties in which they study, or according to personal preferences. This year, we need to increase rates, increase the number of activists, as the number of places where they can work is growing. ”

Note that the main task of the commission of the academic council is to analyze the state of affairs, review proposals and monitor the implementation of decisions. According to the results of each meeting, adjustments are made in different areas of the university, which helps to enhance and strengthen the image of the university.

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