Shukhov Towers Birthday

The Shukhov Radio Tower began broadcasting 97 years ago, in 1922. In honor of her birthday, the Shukhov Readings were held at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the flagship university.

The guests of the exhibition were students of the Institute of Energy, Information Technology and Control Systems. They learned about the history of the tower, its significance across the world and the country.

Director of the museum and exhibition complex Tamara Konoreva said that the radio tower on Shabalovka in Moscow is the most famous work of Vladimir G. Shukhov. She brought him worldwide fame: “The tower has become a symbol of Russian engineering, as well as radio and television. This unique hyperboloid mesh design gave rise to many similar structures. The Shukhov Tower is now the benchmark for the architectural schools of the whole world.

The decision on its construction was adopted in 1919. It was needed by society: the Khodynka radio station built earlier could not ensure the transfer of constantly growing volumes of radiograms from the capital. Broadcasting on the new, Shukhov tower, began in 1939. ”

For the development of the project of the original metal tower and direct participation in its construction, Shukhov was awarded the title of Honored Scientist and many others, including the Hero of Labor.

Until now, the Shukhov Tower is considered one of the highest achievements of engineering art. In the declaration of the international scientific conference “Heritage at Risk. Preservation of XX Century Architecture and World Heritage ”it is in the top 7 architectural masterpieces of the Russian avant-garde, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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