First student ON AIR

For more than six years, there has been a very real student TV "StudentLife" at the base university of the Belgorod Region. The guys repeatedly became winners of all-Russian contests and were even recognized as the “Best Student Television of Russia”, but do not stop at what they have achieved and master the live show format that is new for themselves.

This year we have already managed to hold two “live broadcasts”: the first is in the form of a Friday show, and the second is a pre-holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

“Live broadcasts are conducted with the help of employees of the video production department of the Center for Public Relations of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. The pre-holiday broadcast became special - a direct link was established between the presenters in the studio and the film crew at the celebration site. Unfortunately, due to unpredictable rainfall, the live broadcast from the street part of the celebration had to be canceled, but everything else previously conceived was possible. As far as I know, none of the student media in Russia make live broadcasts of this format. And in “StudLife” the airs were a direct result of the qualitative growth of the editorial staff and the desire to launch popular broadcasting formats, ”Ilya Pashnev, the curator of“ StudLife ”, commented on the success of his charges.

The last broadcast really turned out to be special in all senses: for the first time the broadcast was conducted only on the Internet. It was possible to watch the student show on any TV set in the educational buildings of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov.

“It was very nice when, after the end of the broadcast, we with my co-host went out of the studio into the corridor and saw crowds of guys in front of the televisions. They all watched our show - it's very cool! I received a lot of messages after the broadcast, which means - we have achieved our goal! We will continue to work further, because we have many interesting projects ahead, ”Anna Kotikova, a StudLife correspondent, shared her impressions.

The number of views on live shows is growing every time, which means that each subsequent show will be even more difficult, more interesting and better. The next live broadcast is scheduled for March 8 and is timed to the International Women's Day.

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